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Supporting Black Businesses
One call to action that has arisen from the Black Lives Matter movement is to support black-owned businesses. If you are reading this, you may be wondering what that looks like, especially if you do not know of any in your community. Before we get into that, let’s first talk about why it is important …

Juneteenth Explained
I went my entire life into adulthood before I ever even heard of Juneteenth, and it’s no wonder since it was not recognized in my home state of Michigan until 2005. So if you have never heard of this holiday, you are not alone. It is one, however, that I do think everyone should learn …

The State of Black Lives in America
It’s been explained that all lives can’t matter until black lives matter. True. But also true is that black lives can’t matter until all black lives matter, not just those who have suffered at the hands of police brutality. Blacks silently suffer institutional racism in far more than just the criminal justice system. It goes …

Road Trip USA
After almost three months in quarantine, a vacation is what I am most looking forward to. But with covid-19 still being a danger though, air travel is not something I would consider right now. That leaves a road trip, and who doesn’t like road trips? The best road trip I ever took was when I …