One of the most important virtues that the Proverbs 31 Woman has is that she is generous. I know we typically think of Christmas as the season of giving. But how about before you rush out to buy your pumpkin spice lattes, buy some warm socks to donate to someone in need first?
“She opens and extends her hand to the poor, And she reaches out her filled hands to the needy.”
– Proverbs 31:20 AMP
God blesses us so that we can bless others, and Socktober is the perfect opportunity for everyone to be a blessing to those in need.
See Related: 15 Ways to Clothe Yourself in Kindness
What is Socktober?
Launched in 2011 by author Brad Montague, Socktober started as a regional sock drive. Did you know that socks are the most needed and least donated clothing item in homeless shelters? Enter Socktober, a month-long sock drive to change that. It has grown from a regional drive to a national drive. And now it is worldwide with people from every continent donating socks every year. Brilliant, isn’t it?! It is such a beautiful idea, and I am so glad to see that it has grown and for the opportunity to help it grow even further, to reach more communities.
Why You Should Participate in Socktober
There are nearly 600,000 people experiencing homelessness in America alone. I have done some research and have learned what an important role that socks, something we take for granted, play in their health and well being. There are two main issues. First of all, those who live on the streets walk a lot, so their socks wear out quicker. And second of all, since most shelters close during the day, they often cannot avoid exposure to the elements, making it harder for them to keep their feet warm and dry. Having clean and dry socks help keep their feet healthy.

Benefits of Socks
Well-fitting socks protect feet from potential injury that could happen from walking barefoot. Clean, dry socks help prevent frostbite, skin infections and blisters, nail diseases, and trench foot, a painful condition that occurs when feet are wet for long periods of time.
Healthy feet are essential for getting to their appointments, including job interviews and meetings for housing.

Socks provide cushioning for those suffering from painful foot deformities such as bunions or hammertoes. Feet that are cushioned in clean socks are protected from potential painful corns and calluses from forming. Clean, well-fitting socks protect feet from poor circulation that could lead to limb-threatening conditions. They provide proper Diabetic foot care for those with diabetes.
Socks provide a barrier that prevents the virus that causes plantar wart from entering cracks in the foot. Moisturizers penetrate dry, cracked skin better when paired with clean, dry socks.
Donating socks to them is an easy way to contribute to the big problem of homelessness. One small act of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of our neighbors. Last Socktober, over one million people donated socks to homeless shelters. This Socktober, organizers have a goal of 2 million sock donors. Are you in?
How You Can Help
The simplest way to get involved is to donate socks to your local homeless shelter. If you live in a cold climate, donate warm, well-fitting socks to help prevent frostbite, which can occur in under 30 minutes in certain conditions.

For those facing summer heat and humidity, donate socks that are moisture-wicking. Socks that wick sweat away from the skin prevent infections and blisters.
You can also start your own sock drive. Either way, spread the word! Notify your local newspaper if you are doing your own sock drive and create flyers to get your entire community involved. Post about it on social media using #socktober.
Tell your friends and neighbors about Socktober so they can donate, too. The season of giving starts now, before it gets too cold.
See Related: Ways to Bless Your Community
Until next time,
Happy Socktober!

“Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift].”
– 2 Corinthians 9:7 AMP
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Hi Robyn,
Thank you so much for linking up and sharing this important information. I had never heard of “Socktober” but it’s on my radar now.
It is my pleasure, Tammy. Thanks for stopping by! 🥰🤗