Recently, I had the privilege of attending a brunch hosted by the Hollywood chapter of Influence Women. Afterward, I met the producer of the film The Greatest Inheritance. As it was explained to me that it was a Pure Flix movie, I couldn’t believe that I had not heard of either. Where had I been? There was a streaming service for Christians? Pure Flix sounded vaguely familiar but I didn’t realize that its focus was Christian movies. I immediately signed up and was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Christian content: movies, documentaries, and TV series. I didn’t know where to begin! So in case you are like me, or even if you are not, I am going to share with you my recommendations of seven must watch Pure Flix movies.
Beautiful One
As someone who blogs about inner beauty, I knew I wanted to watch this movie. The title immediately grabbed my attention. And once I read in the description that the main character spends her time looking for approval on her outer beauty…

…and in all the wrong places, I knew I had to see it. I think most people can probably relate to that on some level or at some point on their journey in life. Ultimately she learns the meaning of true beauty and where it comes from. I really enjoyed this movie because we see her transformation on both the outside and the inside, where it matters.
This movie promises to bring Proverbs 31 to life, so of course I wanted to check it out. A movie depiction of the Proverbs 31 Woman? Absolutely! The Proverbs 31 Woman serves as a role model for many Christian women.

After reading the summary, though, I wondered what this movie had to do with Proverbs 31. And the opening scene did nothing to answer my question. As the story unfolds, however, it turns out to be one of women overcoming their various circumstances through faith and with each other’s support.
And one of men defending the defenseless and bringing about justice as King Lemuel’s mother advises him to do in Proverbs 31:
“Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all who are unfortunate and defenseless; Open your mouth, judge righteously, And administer justice for the afflicted and needy.” – Proverbs 31:8-9 AMP
I’m Not Ashamed
Are you willing to lay down your life for your faith in Christ? I was a new teacher at the time of Columbine and had heard of Rachel Joy Scott and her unmovable faith. What I did not know was that there was a movie made about her and that it was made from her journal entries.

This film does a beautiful job of telling her story and of keeping her memory alive. And at the end, there is an invitation to learn how our love of Jesus can make an impact as hers did.
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].” – Matthew 16:24 AMP
God’s Not Dead Series
I had seen only the first one of this series. The remaining parts have only gotten better and better!

These movies have been eye-opening about some of the challenges of believers and have done a great job in helping me see that I am not alone in my afflictions.
I think my favorite of the series is God’s Not Dead 2 when a high school teacher ends up in a legal battle for simply answering a question about Jesus. What I really liked about this film is that she is defended by an atheist and the possibility that it may lead to his own salvation. All of the sequels do a brilliant job of exposing the enemy’s plots and schemes and that despite the trials and tribulations, we have the victory in Christ in the end.
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]” – John 16:33 AMP
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
You know how they say not to judge a book by its cover?

Well that is the case with this movie. At least it was for me. Initially, I did not think that I would be interested in it. But when it kept showing up as a recommended film and I actually took the time to read the description, it intrigued me. From the very start (and all the way to the very end!), I immediately understood why it came so highly recommended. There is a surprise bonus at the end! Truly inspirational.
Play the Flute
I love to see when adults make a lasting difference in the lives of young people.

And that’s exactly what you will see in Play the Flute. What can I say, as a teacher, I enjoy seeing a good one as this youth pastor was when he took over an indifferent youth group. The transformation that takes place is uplifting, and we get to see that in a powerful way.
Sweet Inspirations
Ready to be inspired?

This movie is about four friends who come together to help other women in a very sweet way. The banter kind of reminds me of the friendship of the women in Steel Magnolias. They are all different but encourage and inspire the best in each other. And they each lend their strengths to an even greater cause: saving a women’s shelter.
There are many other great movies on Pure Flix, including some that I had already seen elsewhere and some that I haven’t seen yet. These are just seven that I found the most inspiring. What about you? Have you heard of Pure Flix, unlike me? If so, what are some of your favorites? Please let me know in the comments so that I can be sure to check them out!
Until next time, stay beautiful… 💖

Thanks! I’ve seen a couple of these but have added the others to my list!
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy! 😊🙏🏽
Excellent post, Robyn. I wish more of your pins were in Pinterest size. (600×900 or 735×1102) This is the perfect post for the ladies who spend time there. Glad you discoverd Pure Flix. my mother loves it! Have a blessed day.
Thank you, Horace, I’m glad you liked my post! I haven’t added my pins, yet, so sorry about that! 😬🙏🏽
Robyn, thanks for this wonderful list of Pure Fix movies. Always looking for virtuous content.
Thank you, Deborah! Me, too! I am so glad you find my list helpful.💖