My Christian blogger friend, Erin Kiu, sent me a copy of her first book, One Transforming Love, and invited me to read it. I am so glad that I did. It is a beautifully written and very insightful fictional account of her true story transformation from party girl to church girl.
Summary of One Transforming Love
Though main character, Aubrey, moves to San Diego from Chicago for a fresh start, it didn’t really come until she fully surrendered her life to Jesus in this beautiful love story. Turns out, surrendering it all is easier said than done for Aubrey.

Discovering a love she never knew existed.
A love that has the ability to transform it all.
This book puts a spotlight on the wide-spread acceptance of sexual sin and its effects. What will Aubrey do when she learns from the Bible that just because all of her friends were having sex before marriage that it was not okay, but sexual sin?
“Why was this so hard? Why hadn’t she listened to God when He had tried to get her to stop before it was too late? It was the craziest feeling last night, feeling that voice within that told her to stop. She knew God was speaking to her, convicting her to stop kissing Jake.”
This book is excellent for reflecting on where you are in your life journey with God.
What I Love About One Transforming Love
I loved the characters in this story. The supporting characters were more often than not actually supportive. And although Aubrey was likeable, some of her decision making was quite maddening! You just want to yell into the pages of the book, “No! Don’t!” to warn her of the dangers ahead. At least I did. 😁 But that is what made the book so irresistible; it paints a true portrayal of the grappling involved in turning your whole life over to God, not just the easy parts.
What I admired about Aubrey was that she actually paid close attention at church and tried to apply what she was learning to her life. She is a good example of how we should be active listeners on Sundays and take what we learn with us into the week ahead. At one point, Aubrey is stunned to learn in church that she has a bunch of contracts with the devil in all the areas of her life that she has not surrendered to God. She was shocked and wondered why no one had ever told her. But her mom actually had told her and Aubrey dismissed it because her mom never explained why she wasn’t supposed to participate in certain activities that were completely acceptable on the party scene.
The brutal honesty is probably what I enjoyed the most about this book. We see Aubrey try to do what some people call trying to be in the church and in the world at the same time. While totally relatable, it doesn’t work. You have to be all in, and Erin vividly illustrates Aubrey’s dawning reality of this. As Aubrey was learning why she had to give up the party life at church, if it didn’t make sense to her, she continued in those behaviors with frustrating results.
What Shocked Me About One Transforming Love
I was surprised by how different my walk has been from Aubrey’s considering we both moved from the Midwest to Southern California. We both came here for fresh starts, but whereas mine was out of necessity for lack of job opportunities, Aubrey’s was more from a desire to get away from a lifestyle that was no longer serving her. We also both left our jobs in very different ways and both ended up bloggers!
Another thing that surprised me about One Transforming Love is something that Aubrey’s pastor said in Chapter 29. Aubrey’s pastor is a master teacher; he was instrumental in helping her see and accept the truth. The only thing I didn’t like was when he invited people to lay their cross down in acceptance of Jesus when it is quite the opposite:
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].'”
What he probably meant is lay your burdens down as described in this verse:
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.” – Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30 AMP)
Not much to dislike about this book. In fact, Erin masterfully uses her characters to give a lot of amazing Bible instruction and illustrious attempts at life application.
Who Must Read This Book
I recommend this book because it is so relatable and enjoyable to read. I could identify with Aubrey’s reluctance to turn her entire life over to God. Doing so for me was like being in the driver’s seat of a car but without having my hands on the wheel, and having to blindly trust that God does! In other words, it’s pretty scary, so I could not fault her for her slow transition. In fact, Aubrey is to be applauded for recognizing that she needed a change, even if she had a few false starts.
I recommend this book to anyone who who wants to experience the transformational love of Jesus. No matter what area of your life that you are struggling to give to God, or whether you are struggling with giving your whole life over to God or not, this book will bless you. Read this book and develop or relive your own transforming love from Jesus!

Erin beautifully illustrates that it is worth it in this sweet romance, and that God is worthy of the trust it takes.
The book comes beautifully packaged and includes 5 beachy bookmarks, which you will receive, along with 20% off with the code ROBYN20. I know you will enjoy it as much as I did! If you want to know more about the book, please check out the One Transforming Love trailer.
See Related: How to Trust God With Your Love Story
About the Author
Erin is passionate about helping women have a transforming relationship with Jesus while attracting their future husband along the way.

Erin is an author and blogger and Fun & Holy, a blog and community that provides biblical solutions to real-world issues that young women face.
When she’s not writing, you can find Erin on the beach or biking along the coast with her husband in San Diego. To find out more about Erin and the Fun & Holy blog, visit
Other places you can find Erin online:
- Facebook: Erin Elise Kiu
- Instagram: @erinelisekiu
- Pinterest:
Erin is a great encouragement to women. It is my prayer that her book will inspire you on your faith walk.
Until next time,


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