It’s been explained that all lives can’t matter until black lives matter. True. But also true is that black lives can’t matter until all black lives matter, not just those who have suffered at the hands of police brutality. Blacks silently suffer institutional racism in far more than just the criminal justice system. It goes unacknowledged because it isn’t caught on camera.
As it turns out, the majority of Americans (67%), including 63% of white Americans, already agree that black Americans are treated less fairly by the police and the criminal justice system according to the Race in America 2019 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center this past February. It is with the other institutions that there is disagreement.
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In Black and White
In hiring, pay, and promotions, 44% of white Americans compared to 82% of black Americans say that blacks are treated less fairly.
According to the 2018 annual averages, the unemployment rate for blacks (6.5%) was almost twice the rate for whites (3.5%). This has consistently been the case since these annual averages have been tracked beginning in 1973. Household income for blacks is $41,361 compared to $70,642 for whites. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. See also: Income and Poverty in the U.S. and African Americans with College Degrees are Twice as Likely to Be Unemployed as Other Graduates.

When applying for a loan or mortgage, 38% of white Americans compared to 74% of black Americans say that blacks are treated less fairly.
Blacks are more likely to be denied a home loan than whites. Despite this pattern of denials of mortgages for people of color, banks continue to be ranked satisfactory or outstanding and only a few have been sued by the Justice Department. Source: Modern Day Redlining. See also: Banks still deny black borrowers just as they did 50 years ago.
In stores or restaurants, 37% of white Americans compared to 70% of black Americans say that blacks are treated less fairly.
Remember when two black men were arrested at Starbucks in 2018 for doing nothing more than waiting for a friend that they were meeting, something white people do every day without incident? Several other restaurants have been sued and settled racial discrimination claims, including Cracker Barrel, Denny’s, and IHOP. Source: Starbucks isn’t the only chain that’s faced claims of racial bias.

When voting in elections, 30% of white Americans compared to 58% of black Americans say that blacks are treated less fairly.
According to research conducted in 2017, African Americans had a 19% likelihood of experiencing racial discrimination while attempting to vote compared to a 4% likelihood for whites. Source: Center for American Progress.
When seeking medical treatment, 26% of white Americans compared to 59% of black Americans say that blacks are treated less fairly.
The maternal mortality rates are three times higher for black women than for white women, and infant mortality rates are two times higher for blacks infants than for white infants. Also, blacks are more likely to be denied access to health care coverage, and are less likely to have hospitals, primary care physicians, and mental health providers in their neighborhoods and therefore have less access to medical care. Source: Racism, Inequality, and Health Care for African Americans.
These statistics are alarming, and the question I have is how did we get to this level of inequality?
The Racial Divide
The Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights
The Sentencing Project
2019 Marked 400 Years of ‘Forbidden Black Love’ in America
Education Week
How to Solve Racial Inequality

The effects racial inequality has on the black community are devastating. I have learned from the articles cited above that studies have repeatedly proven a link between the effects of racism and the physical and mental health of blacks that lead to long-term illnesses not experienced by other races and to death at an earlier age than whites. Racism has also been proven to be linked to the wealth gap and poverty, lack of affordable housing, food insecurity, and the breakdown of black families and communities.
I have read many suggestions posted on social media and other places on the internet for how we overcome racial inequality in America. They include white Americans getting educated and informed; having a conversation; voting; teaching children to be kind; speaking out; and being anti-racist. I think the solution must start with an awareness, and a formal recognition that white privilege exists and that it exists as the result of systemic racism in American that extends far beyond and far deeper than police brutality and inequality in our criminal justice system.
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus (Matthew 22:39)
Please feel free to comment below.
Much love,

thank you for sharing – this is so important.
You are welcome, and so right, this information is very important for everyone to know.
Great post! I’ve been waiting for someone to write an educational piece about this topic! Awarenes is definitely needed… As is love! Thank you for a great post.
Thank you, and you are welcome. Yes, we all need love. Thanks for sharing some here. 😊🖤🤎🤍
I love this post so much! As someone in the public health field, it’s so hard to get others to understand that there are layers upon layers of reasons why blacks are at a disadvantage. Education and awareness is everything! I hope this time people will continue to listen.
Thank you, Tiara! I was overwhelmed to learn about the extent of the disadvantage myself. It is very heartbreaking, but it is my prayer that people will continue to listen, too, and that action will be taken. 🙏🏽🤎
So important! This is a great resource, thank you.
Thank you, and you are welcome. 🙏🏽🤎
I listened to NPR today about this issue. You’ve covered it very well in this blog, Robyn. Thank you. What do you think about the idea of dismantling the police because they come in after a crime has occurred and often do more harm?
Thank you, Laura. The idea of dismantling the police is not one I fully understand, yet, but I am open to listening and learning from others who know more about this issue. I would love to hear their ideas about how this would be done.
This quite insightful. In as much as this is true, it takes a lot to convince other races to see each other as humans. I hope it gets better over there.
Thank you, Magdalene, and I am hopeful that things will get better, too. 🙏🏽🤎
Great post. I couldn’t even imagine that my daughter would experience what this world is currently enduring. I will hope that she will not still be protesting in her lifetime for equal rights for black people.
Amen, I hope not; equal rights are long overdue. Thank you for your kind words. 🙏🏽🤎
Thank you for providing so many stats and figures. Really emphasizes the disparity among people.
You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read them; awareness is half the battle!
What’s going on right now it the USA is horrible. Those poor people. I am absolutely disgusted on how African-Americans are being treated. On behalf of myself and the other kind people out there. I am so sorry for what is happening out there. It’s not right.
Thank you for your kind words, Erika. They are much appreciated. 🙏🏽
It’s actually a nice and useful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.
Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, and you are welcome. 🤎
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