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a smiling lady in a red sleeveless party dress is holding 8 heart-shaped red balloons
Holidays & Seasons

Why We Celebrate Valentine’s Day & Other Fun Facts

One of the perks of teaching elementary school is that you are guaranteed several valentines! Long before the end of the day, my desk would be piled high with them: cards, boxes of chocolates, flowers, and even stuffed animals.  I loved it!  And my students’ desks would be piled high with them as well.  Do …

different color faces form a heart shape
Holidays & Seasons Lifestyle

3 Ways to Love One Another: Lessons for Black History Month

There is no better time to show to one another the sacrificial love of Jesus has for us than during the month of February for it is not only the month we celebrate love on Valentine’s Day but also the month that we celebrate black history. Black History Month originally started as “Negro History Week” …

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