I try to start my mornings by reading and posting the Word of the Day. But then I get so distracted by all of the alerts that were sent to my phone overnight that there goes my time with God. Not exactly the morning devotion that God intended or deserves. Trying not to let my morning quiet time to become consumed by daily distractions has been an ongoing struggle. I am seeking to change all of that by choosing Bible Study plans on the Bible app that are on the topic of morning devotions.

I’m currently reading this Bible Plan by Bessie Hicks for my morning devotion. I have only completed the first day and already, I highly recommend it! I cannot wait to find out the insights tomorrow’s devotion will bring, and I am praying that this author has other plans available that I can read when I am done. Stay tuned!

[…] It is important to work on inner beauty. This comes from always putting God first, concerning yourself only with whether He will be pleased by your actions and choices. For more on the topic of spending time with God, please read my previous post on morning devotion. […]