Temple Tips

How I Relax

Relaxation is so important for me now because I am having a hard time doing so during this pandemic.  The future of this world is so uncertain that it is hard at times to just unwind and let go. But did you know that there are major mental and physical benefits of relaxing?

The Benefits of Relaxation

According to the Mayo Clinic and NorthShore University Health System, relaxation:

  • Reduces heart and respiration rates
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves digestion
  • Decreases anxiety and depression
  • Improves coping abilities
  • Decreases insomnia and improves quality of sleep
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
  • Reduces fatigue and increases energy
  • Reduces the activity of stress hormones
  • Increases blood flow to major muscles
  • Reduces muscle tension and chronic pain
  • Reduces anger and frustration and provides a sense of calmness and confidence to handle difficulties
  • Improves concentration and mood

In other words, making sure you take time out to relax is essential.


How I Relax

What tends to help me is following.  On a day of relaxation, I:

Sleep in. Normally I have a day packed full of tasks that I get to work on very early.  Just thinking about all that lies ahead is very stressful. Having a day or two where I can take a slower pace is a much more calming start to the day and refreshes me for the days that I have to get a lot done. 

Recline in the hot tub. There is no way to be stressed out while relaxing in a hot tub! I used to go regularly in the mornings before the quarantine. Alternatively or additionally is relaxing at the beach or poolside. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and getting fresh air and sunshine is peaceful and restorative.

Get salon treatments. The massages that come along with getting a manicure and pedicure are so beneficial. My last pedicure before the outbreak, unexpectedly included a hot stone leg massage.  I had never had one before and was surprised by how much muscle tension it reduced. Same with the hand and arm massages. Also relaxing is getting my hair washed at the salon; one that I went to had shampoo beds where you lie on your back while you are getting your hair washed. They provided a triangular shaped cushion to go under your knees. They also gave a mini-facial while your head was wrapped in a hot towel before the final rinse while calming music is played. Every trace of tension drains away.

Netflix and chill. This replaced my salon treatments during lockdown since there was nowhere to go. It gave me something to look forward to at the end of each week of the daily grind.

Take a bubble bath. This is especially so with aromatherapy. I was once given a Sleep aromatherapy gift basket that included bubble bath, pillow spray, and a wrist roll-on all scented with lavender and it nearly put me to sleep in the bathtub. 

Drink chamomile tea. I accidentally discovered one of the benefits of chamomile tea over a year ago. I had a sore throat and bought some tea and honey to soothe it, in hopes that I would be comfortable while trying to sleep. But not only was I comfortable, I fell into such an immediate deep sleep that I woke up the next morning and wondered how that happened. I wondered if it was the tea and it was. Chamomile treats insomnia, boosts immunity, is anti-aging among, and has many other health benefits. Ever since I discovered that it helps me sleep, I drink it every evening.

Read a good book. I read for enjoyment on the rare occasion that I get to bed early. It takes my mind off of the current crisis that we are in, and therefore is a relaxing escape. It is also my alternative to watching TV or movies when I want something quiet to do.

These are just a few of the things that I do to relax. Others include sitting on my patio, going for walks, and listening to music. What about you? What does a day of relaxation include for you? Please share in the comments below.

Until next time! 💕



(10) Comments

  1. Chamomile tea is amazing! I recently stumbled upon a tea that’s minty but great for bedtime, strange mix but it works! Thanks for this awesome post, Robyn x

    1. Yes, it is like a super tea! You’re welcome and thank you! 😊

  2. Such great reminders to take care of ourselves! Especially now! I really appreciate some time in nature too. During summer, I love a hike to a beautiful spot where we can relax and chill for a while. Near a waterfall, river, or with a killer view, if possible.

    1. Wonderful, I hope to try hiking, too! Thank you 😊

  3. I’ve been taking a very active role lately in taking better care of myself. I’ve been going on daily nature walks. I invested in a foot massager and I focus more of my energy on things that make me happy (-;

    1. Smart idea! And the foot massager sounds great. 👍🏽

  4. As a lifelong reader I am so happy to see reading a good book on your list! What a great way to stop time for even just a few moments. It almost doesn’t even matter what you are reading…almost. 🙂

    1. Yes, I wish I had more time for reading! Thank you 😊

    1. Thank you! 😊

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