We are instructed in God’s Word in several places that we should practice hospitality. But what is it and to whom should we demonstrate hospitality?
“Be hospitable to one another without complaint.”
– 1 Peter 4:9 AMP
What is Hospitality?
Miriam Webster defines hospitality as “the activity or business of providing services to guests”. The Shunammite Woman sets an example of this for us in 2 Kings 4:8 (AMP):
“Now there came a day when Elisha went over to Shunem, where there was a prominent and influential woman, and she persuaded him to eat a meal. Afterward, whenever he passed by, he stopped there for a meal.”
The above scripture indicates that one way to show hospitality to guests is by providing a meal, as the Shunammite Woman did for Elisha here and as Martha did for Jesus in the following scripture:
“So they gave a supper for Him there. Martha was serving, and Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with Him.”
– John 12:2 AMP
Another way to show hospitality is providing your guest a place to rest or sleep as the Shunammite Woman also did in 2 Kings 4:9-10 (AMP):
“She said to her husband, “Behold, I sense that this is a holy man of God who frequently passes our way. Please, let us make a small, fully-walled upper room [on the housetop] and put a bed there for him, with a table, a chair, and a lampstand. Then whenever he comes to visit us, he can turn in there.”
See Related: Preparing for Guests
Who Should be Hospitable?
In the example of the Shunammite Woman, we learn that she was “prominent” and “influential,” so influential she even convinced her husband to construct for Elisha his very own room in their house! However, the prominent and the influential are not the only kinds of people who are supposed to show hospitality to others, the following should also:
“Melchizedek king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) brought out bread and wine [for them]; he was the priest of God Most High.” – Genesis 14:18 AMP
“And he must be hospitable [to believers, as well as strangers], a lover of what is good, sensible (upright), fair, devout, self-disciplined [above reproach—whether in public or in private].” – Titus 1:8 AMP
“And the natives showed us extraordinary kindness and hospitality; for they kindled a fire and welcomed us all, since it had begun to rain and was cold.” – Acts 28:2 AMP
Widows Desiring Assistance
“A widow is to be put on the list [to receive regular assistance] only if she is over sixty years of age, [having been] the wife of one man, and has a reputation for good deeds; [she is eligible] if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the feet of the saints (God’s people), if she has assisted the distressed, and has devoted herself to doing good in every way.” – 1 Timothy 5:9-10 AMP
All Believers
“And when she was baptized, along with her household, she pleaded with us, saying, “If you have judged me and decided that I am faithful to the Lord [a true believer], come to my house and stay.” And she persuaded us.” – Acts 16:15 AMP
Who practices hospitality entertains God Himself.

To Whom Should We Show Hospitality?
- Missionaries (3 John 1:7-8)
- The hungry, poor, homeless; and your relatives (Isaiah 58:7)
- Those who cannot repay you such as the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind (Luke 14:13-14)
- God’s needy people (Romans 12:13)
- Strangers (Hebrews 13:2)
- Travelers (Job 31:32)
“For these [traveling missionaries] went out for the sake of the Name [of Christ], accepting nothing [in the way of assistance] from the Gentiles. So we ought to support such people [welcoming them as guests and providing for them], so that we may be fellow workers for the truth [that is, for the gospel message of salvation].” – 3 John 1:7-8 AMP
Ways to Be Hospitable
With so many enduring food insecurity and unemployment, now is an especially good time to practice hospitality.
Real Simple shares these tips on how to make your guest feel comfortable (with my interpretation of the message it sends in parentheses):
- “Just bring yourself.” (You are enough!)
- “I’m so glad you’re here.” (You are valuable; you are my sister/brother in Christ.)
- “Please help yourself!” (You are welcome here; make yourself at home!)
- “Come help me for a minute.” (I need you; your gifts are useful.)
- “Tell us about your…” (Your story is important; we want to get to know you.)
- “There’s plenty!” (We share! God has blessings for you, too!)
- “I always hated that!” (I can relate; that’s happened to me, too!)
Taking the time to enjoy your visit with your company is the most important part of being hospitable, as Jesus taught Martha here:
“But Martha was very busy and distracted with all of her serving responsibilities; and she approached Him and said, ‘Lord, is it of no concern to You that my sister has left me to do the serving alone? Tell her to help me and do her part.’ But the Lord replied to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part [that which is to her advantage], which will not be taken away from her.’” – Luke 10:40-42 AMP
In my next post, we will discuss how to prepare your home in advance so that you do not have to bustle around like Martha did and miss out on spending time enjoying your guests.
Until then,
How are you hospitable? When have you practiced hospitality? Please comment below. 😇

“Do not neglect to extend hospitality to strangers [especially among the family of believers—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Hebrews 13:2 AMP
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As a christian this is a very good reminder of how we should act towards anyone in this world. There is no better time than now especially with everything that is going on in the world. Thank you for sharing xxx
I agree that the timing is perfect for remembering to treat others with hospitality. Thank you, and you are welcome! 💕🙏🏽
Great insight on how to be hospitable to your guests!
Thank you! 🥰
I love this! The examples of how to be hospitable is really helpful and something I will try to start applying more to my life.
Thank you, me too! 🥰🙏🏽
I find that COVID has added an intersting barrier to being hospitable. I am trying to still practice hospitality- but by meeting at parks or even in our back yard.
Definitely agree! Meeting outside for cookouts and picnics, and even in your own backyard, are great alternatives.😊💕
This was lovely. I see being hospitable as putting yourself in a position of service, simply!
Thank you!🥰 And yes, I agree.❤️
Ooh reading this I notice that there is a focus on the needy and strangers! we’re probably pretty good at being hospitable to our friends but this has shown me I need to be hospitable outside my circle!
Yes, I noticed that as well. We probably all need to make a better effort with that. 🙏🏽💕
What a lovely post! This is a great reminder of how we should treat others in this world. I love that you included ways to be hospitable. I love when people ask me about what’s going on in my life (stories). I think I need to ask others the question a little more often. Thank you 🙂
Thank you, Brie, and you are welcome! God encouraged me to write this; it is a good reminder for us all. 😊
Such a great post! It’s important to treat everyone with a bit more appreciation especially now!
Thank you, Sara! I agree, now is the perfect time to remember how we should be others. 💕🙏🏽
This is so important especially now. I love the suggestions on what you can say to be hospitable
Thank you, Kristine. I agree that it is so important to remember these things, especially during these times. Kind words go a long way! 💕
I think the concept of providing hospitality to strangers is fast becoming an unusual thing!
Yes, I think it has been unusual for a long time, but it is not supposed to be. Safe ways to be hospitable to strangers is by welcoming new neighbors to the neighborhood, by including new church members in prayer meetings or Bible studies that you host, or by passing out blessing bags to those in your community. 🙏🏽💜
These are great reminders and easily applicable in a secular sense as well. This is such a huge part of having charisma and making people feel included or special. It’s really magical.
Nathalia | NathaliaFit – Fitness & Wellness Blog
That just goes to show that even secular activities have their roots in the Bible. How we should treat others comes from God.
[…] See Related: How to Practice Hospitality […]