I have always liked to write, but since blogging did not become a thing until after I was already working as a teacher, it is not anything I seriously considered. Then in September, my classroom was closed and I lost my teaching position unexpectedly. After months of searching for a new one and not being able to find anything, I decided in January that it was time to embark on something new, and blogging it was.

I had signed up for a free blogging course over a year before I lost my job but I had not yet taken any of the classes. I was skeptical that it was something I could actually support myself doing, and I was doing well enough supporting myself as a teacher. However, faced with the prospect of going into another school year without having a full time teaching position lined up changed all of that, and I decided to at least take the Day 1 class.
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It was that Day 1 class, which focused on deciding a niche, that cemented things for me. I decided that I would make my blog about uplifting women. I had experienced rejection in my life and learned that my value comes from who I am in Christ Jesus. My blog is about instilling that knowledge, of our true identities as daughters of the Most High God, in women. I haven’t looked back since as I feel that this is now my calling.

Sorry your job was impacted. Welcome to the world of blogging. Affiliate marketing and email list is a great way to monetise your blog.
Thank you 😊
I always felt that I was meant to blog and uplift women, too! It’s honestly just something I’m drawn to and think about all the time and I have no idea why, but it does feel like a calling. Love this post and good luck with your blogging journey!
Thank you, Erika! Me, too 😊🙏🏽
[…] and well-being and to share the resources to make it happen. This includes stories of others (including yours Robyn) and tools I’ve discovered along the way. Shortcuts, ideas, inspiration- it’s all […]