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7 Must-Haves for a Proverbs 31 Woman

A smiling Proverbs 31 Woman is writing in her journal.

An aspiring Proverbs 31 Woman should worship, obey, serve, and trust God according to Proverbs 31:30.  Indeed, the Proverbs 31 Woman’s first priority is pleasing the Lord.  She builds her life on God’s Word and teaches it to others with kindness.  She demonstrates God’s love to her husband, her children, her community, and to herself.  Just as you take the time to make sure that you have everything necessary for working out, for cooking, for self-care, etc., you should also take time to make sure that you have all of the necessary essentials for your relationship with God and for living a virtuous life.  In this post, I share seven must-haves for a Proverbs 31 Woman.

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1 – A Proverbs 31 Woman Has a Bible

Choosing the right Bible will depend on how you want to study it.  If you want one to take to church or Bible study, get one in the translation that your church uses.  I got a pink leather-bound one in the translation that my church used and had it engraved with my name.

If you want one for your personal Bible study, the options are practically endless I am going to get an Illustrating Bible to begin Bible journaling that has wide margins for journaling and with pages thick enough for painting.

There are all kinds of Bibles to choose from.

See Related: How to Have the Wisdom of the Proverbs 31 Woman

2 – She Also Has a Good Concordance

A good concordance allows you to easily look up scriptures by topic.  Mine was given to me as a gift and was very helpful in looking up all of the scriptures on comfort, which I use to overcome anxiety.

You can also use a concordance as a Bible study tool.  You can look up all of the scriptures on a topic that you want to learn more about yourself or to teach others about.  You can even use it to write your own devotion, perhaps even to publish and provide on the Bible app! I recommend Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.

See Related: 7 Ways to Renew Your Mind as a Daughter of God

3 – A Proverbs 31 Woman Has a Prayer Journal

Having a prayer journal helps you keep track of what you have petitioned God for.  When He answers, you can go back and note that in your prayer journal if you are careful to leave space under your prayer requests.  Reviewing your prayer requests and God’s responses will help you see God at work in your life and that will encourage you.

A prayer journal is also useful for keeping track of those you want to pray for.  The needs are great, so it can be easy to forget whom you should pray for.  Devote the first page for a list of people you want to keep lifted up in prayer.  Keeping track of how God responds to your prayers on the behalf of others will help you grow in your relationship with Him.

4 – She Also Has the Bible App

With the Bible app on your phone, you have almost every translation of the Bible at your fingertips.  It is very convenient for on-the-go Bible reading and study.  You can highlight and share scriptures, take and share notes, create and share images, and much, much more with this app.  It is one of my favorites for Bible study and for sharing the Word.

5 – A Proverbs 31 Woman Has a Bible Study Plan

Currently, I select all of my Bible Study plans for my morning devotion from the Bible app.  There are so many to choose from and you can even invite others to join you.

Now my goal is to add a weekly Bible journaling.  Bible journaling is a fun and creative way to meditate on God’s Word and to learn it.  In general, Bible journaling involves choosing favorite scriptures or memory verses, or scriptures that you are meditating on and illustrate them in an Illustrating Bible.

Follow these steps in Bible journaling:

  1. Choose a scripture to illustrate (one you are studying, memorizing, or your favorite).
  2. Paint the page using coordinating colors.
  3. Use puffy letters to make a focal point in the margin that summarizes what the scripture is about.
  4. Journal a prayer and be sure to stamp it with the date so that you can reflect back on where you were and how much you have grown.
  5. Create a pretty tab piece to mark the page so that you can easily come back to it for reflection.

Here are some tutorials for how to begin, including how to use watercolor, and all of the Bible journaling supplies needed to get started.

6 – A Proverbs 31 Woman Has a Good Church Home

We are hated by the world because the world first hated Jesus, our Lord (John 15:18).  Church should be a safe place where you feel loved and welcomed, and where you are taught the Word of God.  You should learn what Jesus has already done for us, not about what else we can get from Him!  If He does nothing else, He has already done more than we deserve.  He is worthy of our praise and worship, which is something else your church should offer and that should resonate with you.  

Attending church should edify you, build you up, for a new work week in a fallen world.  It should equip you to stand firmly before anyone seeking to persecute or oppress you because of your faith, and it most especially should teach you how to overcome the lies of the enemy. You should come away feeling refreshed and restored.  If you do not, you may want to find a new church home

You should also have plenty of opportunity to serve in your church home.  Everyone has gifts and talents, and we should use them to help each other and advance God’s kingdom, giving Him the glory.

See Related: 3 Routines for Daughters of God

7 – She Also Has a Praise and Worship Playlist 

Since the pandemic, I have subdivided my praise and worship music into multiple smaller playlists.

Praise and Worship Playlists: Proverbs 31 Woman Essentials

I have one that I turn on after my morning devotion.  I am not a natural morning person, but I like to try to get up as early as possible anyway so the purpose of this playlist is to get me going.

I also have a playlist that I listen to while I am working.  This praise list was created to inspire and encourage me in my purpose, and to remember that everything I do, I should do for God and His glory.

I also have a playlist that I listen to while I am sleeping.  I created it to listen to when I couldn’t sleep, but now I turn it on every night whether I have insomnia or not.  It reminds me of God’s promise for sweet sleep.

See Related: How I Relax

When you least feel like praising is definitely when you should.  Do not let the devil steal your joy because he will definitely try!

See Related: 7 Ways to Experience Joy in Your Everyday Life

What would you add to this list of must-haves for a Proverbs 31 Woman? Please let me know in the comments.

Until next time! 🤗

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(8) Comments

  1. I appreciate this encouragement, Robyn, “Take time to make sure you have all of the necessary essentials for your relationship with God and for living a virtuous life.” It’s good to be intentional in our walk with God.

    1. Yes, Amen, it really is! You are welcome, Lisa and thank you! 🥰🤗

  2. I love all these. Sometimes when I read Proverbs 31, I feel like I can’t live up to her! But you have pointed all your ways to build on a relationship with God. Lovely!

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Lynn! 🥰 Yes, the Proverbs 31 Woman is really just focused on pleasing the Lord and because of that, she is able to do what she does.🤗💖

  3. Thank you for this awesome list of tools! It’s a wonderful prep list for a fabulous date night with God.

    1. Date night with God, I love it! You are welcome! 🤗🥰

  4. Cynthia says:

    This is my first time reading your blog. I was looking for something to say at my mother’s 70 birthday party about a virtual woman and came across your blog. I’ve started reading and literally can’t stop. It is so informative , everything you posted has to pertain to some woman in this world. I now look forward to reading your blog!

    Thank you for sharing how to be a virtual woman!

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Cynthia! I am so glad that you are enjoying my blog and find it so informative. I hope your mom has a great birthday! 🤗🥰

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